Flowrack live storage

for boxes and bins

Flowrack kanban live storage flow shelves and roller conveyor

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- Objective

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- for Assemblers

- Advantages & Savings

Carton live storage

- Reliable & Durable

- 5 year Warranty

- Short delivery time

- Inexpensive

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More from Flowrack:    www.flowrackshop.com    www.orderpickingshop.com    www.kanbanstorage.com    www.rollerconveyorshop.com

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Our objective

Logistics and Technology are our passion.

We have translated Logistics and Technology into the manufacture of

live storage racks for boxes and bins. Our passion makes us perfectionists.

The result of this is that we aspire to produce the best product,

under the best conditions, to the maximum benefit of the user.

As a family business, we value continuity above making a quick buck.

The result of this is that we give priority to customer binding, product quality

and organisational quality.

Partly because of this, we are greatly appreciated by the market as an

immensely valued partner.


About us

Our objective

Flowrack quality

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