Flowrack live storage

for boxes and bins

Flowrack kanban live storage flow shelves and roller conveyor

About us

Strong points

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About us

- Introduction

- Objective

- Quality

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- for End users

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- for Assemblers

- Advantages & Savings

Carton live storage

- Reliable & Durable

- 5 year Warranty

- Short delivery time

- Inexpensive

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More from Flowrack:    www.flowrackshop.com    www.orderpickingshop.com    www.kanbanstorage.com    www.rollerconveyorshop.com

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Flowrack quality

We aspire to produce the best product under the best conditions

to the maximum benefit of the user.

Our product quality is in every respect top of the market:

- Trouble-free functioning live storage racks.

- Long technical lifespan (at least 30 years).

- Enormous flexibility to changes in your product range.

Our organisation’s quality is equally important:

- Reliable, faultless supplies.

- Short lines of communication.

- Correctly complying with the agreements made.

Also distinctive is the quality of our knowledge.

We just know a lot about live storage racks, the associated  

logistical operating processes and their application on the shop floor.

Here we prove the benefit of specialisation.


About us

Our objective

Flowrack quality

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