Flowrack live storage

for boxes and bins

Flowrack kanban live storage flow shelves and roller conveyor

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About us

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- Advantages & Savings

Carton live storage

- Reliable & Durable

- 5 year Warranty

- Short delivery time

- Inexpensive

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More from Flowrack:    www.flowrackshop.com    www.orderpickingshop.com    www.kanbanstorage.com    www.rollerconveyorshop.com

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For assemblers

Original Flowrack live storage racks are supplied as a kit of separate sparts and

are always provided with a detailed assembly manual.

This is clearly attached to one of the packages supplied.

Numbers and dimensions of materials supplied can be checked using the material list.

This forms a part of the assembly manual.

For questions or uncertainties, we recommend that you first contact your direct project director. You can then, of course, contact us directly.

Please ensure that you have the project number and name at hand.

These can be found on the package labels, the assembly manual and the waybill (CMR).

We can serve you in English, German and Dutch.