Flowrack live storage

for boxes and bins

Flowrack kanban live storage flow shelves and roller conveyor

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Carton live storage

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More from Flowrack:    www.flowrackshop.com    www.orderpickingshop.com    www.kanbanstorage.com    www.rollerconveyorshop.com

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About us

For more than 35 years, we have sold our live storage racks.

They were originally designed and manufactured by Otto-Schulze-Berge GmbH in Germany.

Since 1995, they have been further refined and manufactured by

Flowrack BV in the Netherlands.

We were probably not the first to use gravity to facilitate

the movement of boxes and bins.

However, we were the first to do this in the best way: Solid steel axles and

an adjustability of just 5.5 mm were introduced by us more than 35 years ago.

As a supplier to principal European racking firms,

we generally play a background role.

Flowrack is the “Preferred Supplier” or “A-supplier” for a number of major players.

More information about us is found on these pages.


About us

Our objective

Flowrack quality

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